
It couldn’t be easier to donate to the library! Please consider an online donation through the library’s secure PayPal account. Gifts to the library help to ensure that we can provide “Something for Everyone.”

Become a Friend

Our amazing Friends of the Trempealeau Public Library work diligently on their annual fundraising appeal, A Taste of Trempealeau. We feel so lucky to have such a devoted group. To those of you who have donated – thank you! To those of you who haven’t, please consider a donation to the Friends. All donations go directly to support library programs, services and collection items. It’s a gift to the whole community!

Support the Library Foundation

A healthy endowment fund ensures our commitment to the adults and youth of our community to continue to provide the highest possible quality of library services.

In acknowledgement of the community’s need for and benefit from the library, the Foundation will work on behalf of the entire community in providing continued financial support for our library’s future.

Community taxpayer support is a vital ingredient to day-to-day public library operation, but is not sufficient to sustain library services into the future.

There are many ways you can choose to provide support for the Foundation’s endowment. The following are means by which individuals, organizations or businesses can secure a legacy that enriches their community.

Gifts of Cash

Cash gifts may be given at any time which will provide tax benefits.

Gifts Through Your Will

Designation of the Library for a memorial gift is appreciated. Bequests through your will are a common and simple way for you to support the Foundation’s endowment fund.

Gifts Through Trusts & Annuities

The Library can be designated a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.

Gifts of Property or Securities

Gifts of property or securities may be given during your lifetime or transferred through your will.

All Donors Will Be Recognized

The permanent Donor Board will recognize the following donation levels:
$250 – $999……engraved 2″x3″ tile
$1,000 – $2,499………..6″x3″ tile
$2,500 – $4,999………..6″x6″ tile
$5,000 – $9,999……….6″x12″ tile
$10.000 and above….12″x12″ tile or special recognition

The Shirley M. Wright Memorial Library is an integral part of the community. Please consider how you can help continue the legacy of Shirley M. Wright & Hettie Pierce.

Donate your books & movies

We accept donations of used books, audio books, music CDs, and DVDs/Blu-rays a couple of months prior to our next scheduled Friend of the Library book sale. All items must be brought into the Library during our open hours. DO NOT LEAVE DONATIONS OUTSIDE.

We do not accept the following:

  • VHS tapes

  • Encyclopedias

  • Reader’s Digest Condensed books

  • Textbooks

  • Books that have been stored in a basement or attic that may be very dirty or have a musty odor, or books that are very old or damaged in any way, including missing, torn or yellowed pages, dusty covers, or broken spines – items that are not in “good” condition.

Please bring items to the library during regular operating hours only. Any items that library staff cannot accept will be returned to the donor.

Thank you for supporting the Trempealeau Public Library; we appreciate your donations!